Thursday, April 30, 2015
Local politics is the foundation of our American political system
William R. Hawkins of the American Thinker (Nov.7, 2014 ~ GOP Overcomes Libertarian Plot) writes, " The GOP is expected to offer national leadership, and the party will be judged on the success of its policies. Whether it's economic recovery, national security or traditional values, the party must be active, not passive."
And he is so right we expect leadership!
We must first acknowledge that local politics is the foundation of our American political system, as U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill, said “all politics is local.”
The vast majority of today’s elected officials began their political careers from a lower office, perhaps a very small, local office, and worked their way up. Today’s senators and governors were yesterday’s party precinct chairs, HOA presidents, PTA presidents, zoning committee members, school board trustees, and city council members, all very important to a successful vibrate community.
The key to future success of our party and communities will be identifying and organizing thousands of individuals who are willing to help improve our communities through direct political action, by getting involved.
We as Republicans must seek out and support local republican candidates, they are the future of our party and the only hope for implementing our principles in all levels of government, now and in the future.
If you want to conquer your fear of the path our country is taking, do not sit home watching FOX News and cheering Carson, Cruz or Rand. Go out and get busy. Get very busy, and start on the local level. Get involved in your local Republican party.
Here is a link to all the state Republican Party Organizations:
Please reach out to them for the contact information of your local Republican party Chairman.
Ask your local Republican party chairman to get you in touch with the Republican officers of your precinct. These are like-minded members of your very own community.
Start today...the 2016 election is on its way.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer Was Hanged 70 Years Ago - April 8, 1945
He was hanged 70 years ago, and Martin Luther King made him a hero during the civil rights movement. Pastor Bonhoeffer's message is still relevant today as we battle the Islamic State.
There were moral monsters who wanted to look the other way during the Nazi and civil rights era.
During the nightmare years of the 1930's, many people remained silent about what was happening in Germany. They said it was sad, but it was not our problem. That attitude has not disappeared. They are a minority, but the GOP has an isolationist wing. In 2012, Ron Paul won half the youth vote in all the early GOP primaries.
April 29, 2015
By Greg Hilton
Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 39, was hanged 70 years ago this month in a Nazi concentration camp. The last words recorded before his execution were "This is the end – for me the beginning of life."
He was arrested in April 1943 and executed shortly before Hitler's suicide. He believed "We are guilty of what we do wrong, as well as what we don't do right!"
Bonhoeffer's life as a theologian of great intellect—and his martyrdom in opposition to Nazism—exerted great influence. He was frequently quoted by Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the Civil Rights movement, and the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa.
In 1996, Pat Buchanan defeated Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-KS) in the New Hampshire primary and went on to win Alaska, Missouri and Louisiana. He finished only slightly behind Dole in the Iowa caucus.
Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) believes the Holocaust was an internal German problem, and we should not have done anything about it. He also says we should do nothing if Israel is attacked and continues to oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
At that time, segregation was legal in the south, and businesses were allowed to withhold services from blacks. Dr. Paul says it is a question of states rights, and the federal government should not have intervened to stop segregation or slavery.
Pat Buchanan's book "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War" (2008) blames the war on Britain and Poland for not negotiating with the Nazis. The author believes coexistence with Nazism was preferable to war. He writes "Though derided as isolationists, the America First patriots kept the United States out of the war."
Today the House Liberty Caucus continues to advocate isolationism and they believe there can be coexistence with the Islamic State. They know about the persecution of Christians, the beheadings, Sharia Law, the 11 million refugees and displaced persons, as well as the over 250,000 who have died.
Hitler believed in a master race and the Islamic State wants a master religion. They will not negotiate and there will be no compromise. We should not have ignored the Nazis for so long, and we need a serious strategy to defeat the Islamic State.
Pastor Bonhoeffer's message was important in WW II, and it is just as vital today.
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
No politician or political party can save America
There's no politician or political party that can save America. Christian, times have changed, but Jesus does not.
Please, do not place your confidence in any politician or any political party. You were bought with a price and you belong to God.
We Christians must take a stand, and I'm not talking about standing for Catholic, Baptists or Mormon. And I'm certainly not talking about standing for Republican, Conservative or the Tea Party.
The only hope we have is for men and women of God to stand up for right. We must take a stand against secular humanism.
Christ offers the answer. Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Christ is the Word. We need to study His Word and get involved in our world. Becoming the ambassadors for Christ that all those who have received His atonement should be. You know you should vote, it is your civic duty, but you should also get involved in the political system. Christians are to be in the world but not "of" the world. We should be the salt in the political system, preaching a sermon with our life.
If the stars fall down from right!___Bob Jones Sr.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ___Margaret Mead ( Best example: The Twelve Disciples)
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."___2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
Christian, I urge you to get involved today, we must be doers of the word.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
I Knew Reagan Would Win In 1980, And Why I Am Concerned Now
Gregg Hilton
How I Knew Reagan Would Win In 1980, And Why I Am Concerned Now
I watched the 1980 presidential debate with a dozen friends, and I will not name them because many were moderate low information voters. I was surprised they were still undecided, but they were not alone.
Close to 15 percent were undecided that October. Three weeks before the election, Time magazine, CBS, and The New York Times all said the race was dead even. Carter’s economic problems were well known, and according to Army Chief of Staff Edward Meyer, we also had a “hollow military”.
He said many Army units existed only on paper and were not prepared, manned, or equipped to defend the nation.
The Soviets were pursuing a massive buildup that would include an estimated 13,500 tanks, 6,300 aircraft, 900 ballistic missiles and 1200 intercontinental missiles.
Reagan faced a hostile media and U.S. News says he was frequently described as a “Dangerous cowboy. B-movie actor. Intellectual lightweight. Heartless right-winger.” Reagan made progress in erasing that image during the debate with third party candidate John Anderson while Carter refused to participate.
Still, Gallup's final pre-debate poll showed Carter up by 3 percent. Of course, I thought Reagan won the debate, and he clearly articulated a vision of where he wanted to take the nation. I didn’t think there was any knockout punch, but the reaction of my undecided friends was surprising. Practically all of them said Reagan had won.
I don’t remember their exact words but the theme was 1) Reagan was more presidential, 2) The media image of him was wrong, and 3) He had a plan.
After the debate, Gallup gave Reagan a 3 percent lead and it kept growing. By the weekend, AP and Harris/ABC had Reagan ahead by 5 percent.
Reagan won 51 to 41 and it was a huge landslide. He carried the electoral college 489 to 49, and Carter won only six states. The GOP gained 13 Senate seats, and 33 House seats.
Several polls gave Reagan a lead at the end of the campaign, but no survey detected the GOP landslide before it actually happened. Reagan’s approval rating increased steadily from the GOP convention, and the surprise was that the undecided voters broke heavily for him.
It is a wonderful memory, but why am I concerned now? In 1980, Reagan won white voters 56 percent to 36 percent, with third party candidate John Anderson taking 8 percent.
n 2012, Romney won white voters by the same 20-point margin, 59 percent to 39 percent. But a big difference is that in 1980, whites were 88 percent of the electorate, whereas, in 2012, they were just 73 percent.
Romney said his big mistake was not doing more to reach minority voters, and we have to do better with them in 2016.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Republican agenda is not evil, and I am not going to rely on the late Jerry Garcia for political advice
by Gregg Hilton
"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." - Jerry Garcia
This quote has been shared by almost 9,000 people and I believe it is directed at Mitt Romney and many other conservative Republicans.
In 2012, Matt Kibbe, the President of FreedomWorks, said Romney was the lesser of two evils, and his organization refused to support the GOP nominee in the general election.
In 2014, FreedomWorks hosted a rally in Louisville that was addressed by Glenn Beck. The theme was that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was "too liberal for too long."
Based on 30 years of service, McConnell has a lifetime rating of 90% from the American Conservative Union. He supported all of the war on terror policies FreedomWorks opposes, and as of today, they are still attacking McConnell because Obama has vetoed legislation.
It makes no sense. FreedomWorks claims numerous conservatives are evil because they voted for the Ryan and Price Plans to cut $5.5 trillion in spending and balance the budget in nine years.
They want it accomplished in five years. They are not going to settle for a budget that is the lesser of two evils. Only four senators advocate the budget timeline they want.
I wish it was possible to balance the budget earlier, but Obama has a veto for the next two years, and the GOP lacks a Senate super-majority to override a veto. The Republican reform agenda is not evil, and I am not going to rely on the late Jerry Garcia for political advice.
Gregg Hilton is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican.
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"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." - Jerry Garcia |
This quote has been shared by almost 9,000 people and I believe it is directed at Mitt Romney and many other conservative Republicans.
In 2012, Matt Kibbe, the President of FreedomWorks, said Romney was the lesser of two evils, and his organization refused to support the GOP nominee in the general election.
In 2014, FreedomWorks hosted a rally in Louisville that was addressed by Glenn Beck. The theme was that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was "too liberal for too long."
Based on 30 years of service, McConnell has a lifetime rating of 90% from the American Conservative Union. He supported all of the war on terror policies FreedomWorks opposes, and as of today, they are still attacking McConnell because Obama has vetoed legislation.
It makes no sense. FreedomWorks claims numerous conservatives are evil because they voted for the Ryan and Price Plans to cut $5.5 trillion in spending and balance the budget in nine years.
They want it accomplished in five years. They are not going to settle for a budget that is the lesser of two evils. Only four senators advocate the budget timeline they want.
I wish it was possible to balance the budget earlier, but Obama has a veto for the next two years, and the GOP lacks a Senate super-majority to override a veto. The Republican reform agenda is not evil, and I am not going to rely on the late Jerry Garcia for political advice.
Gregg Hilton is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican.
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