We true republicans need all hands on deck, and we don't need one more naysayer in the house. We must have grassroots, boots on the ground workers, not TALKERS. It has been hard to endure the shear ignorance of statements like this one by a very smart republican senator:
"That’s why it’s the cloture vote that matters. If 46 Republicans stick together on the cloture vote, Reid can’t fund Obamacare. In fact, we only need 41 Republicans. And so the vote that matters tomorrow is the cloture vote on the bill [vote to proceed to vote on the bill] and if Republicans stand together, if Republicans are united, we can prevent Harry Reid and Barack Obama from using this bill to fund Obamacare."REALLY? ONLY NEEDED 41 VOTES! 46 Republican Senators are not 51 votes which is a simple majority vote in the Senate.
- Senator Ted Cruz
This townhall.com contributor, a former democrat turned republican has decided all the GOP establishment types must go:
"John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Peter King and others of your ilk—our eyes are on YOU. Even if all of you are not up for reelection, you are the types of Establishment Republicans that true Conservatives can no longer tolerate. You have officially become the role models for those who we will never support again. Instead we will seek out patriots like Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Trey Gowdy and others to lead."Really? Never support again? Patriots? True conservatives?
- Ann-Marie Murrell
Words have meanings:
patriot - n.
1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests. "Fellow countryman," which was the original meaning of patriot when it came into English in the late 1500s.So, Senator John McCain, prisoner of war hero, does not love, support or defend his country, but Cruz, Lee, Gohmert, and Gowdy do? Seriously?
The American Conservative Union (ACU) (http://conservative.org) is an American political organization advocating conservative policies. It was founded in December 1964 by author and commentator William F Buckley Jr, and is the oldest such conservative lobbying organization in the country. ACU is well known for its annual rating of politicians according to how they vote on key issues, providing a numerical indicator of how much the lawmakers agreed with conservative ideals. Let's look at the establishment ilk's numbers:
Mitch McConnell 100% KentuckyThese guys seem to be pretty conservative. How many folks in your life rate at 88% consistently? It is good that Mr Buckley is not here to see where these true right wing folks have taken conservatism.
Lindsey Graham 92% South Carolina
John McCain 92% Arizonia
John Cornyn 88% Texas
Peter King 60% CD2 New York
What does conservative mean?
Here is one definition:
conservative - n.
Not a clear cut philosophy but a set of beliefs which, in general, tend to support (1) free enterprise capitalism, (2) continuation of traditions, (3) minimal government intervention in economy, (4) strict law and order enforcement, and (5) gradual change as opposed to radical reform.
Read more here: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/conservatism.html#ixzz2iiCdeOQg
It seems these so called "REAL" conservatives expect an elected republican to agree 100% of the time with their ever moving conservative bar or else be banished to the establishment land. Well, this is not the Republican Party I signed up for.
I will no longer appease the ignorant masses that shout Liberty, Liberty, Constitution.
Principled ideas abound but no real solution to our problems can be found. Words have meaning and simply calling someone a patriot or a traitor does not make it so.
I do not blindly defend anyone, but I will no longer stand by while folks call good people names and slander public servants, because some political PAC told them what to think and say. Bottom line, we are Republican and we are not leaving this Party.
Libertarians...if you want this party you will have to take it from our cold dead hands, because we are dyed in the wool Republican!
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