Saturday, October 26, 2013

Stable, realistic strategies are the only hope to begin to turn the tide in the USA

by Mike Van Fossen

I am a mainstream Republican.
Flag of the United States of America, backlit, windy day.

I believe that most of my views would surely be considered conservative. Most conservatives respect people who have become movers and shakers, doers, not just talkers. We know it takes more than talk and empty word to actually build the businesses and companies that employ us and our loved ones.

These same people frequently step up and take on the responsibilities of helping govern this wonderful country. The single biggest attribute I value in others is leadership skills and abilities. I have great respect for good leaders in either political party.

I know that Ronald Reagan was a great leader, I know that George Bush (Sr.) was a great leader as well. I think George W. Bush came into the office as a man who had earned the title of leader by being a successful Governor. He had already learned the value of working across the aisle with the political opposition to accomplish good things for all the people of Texas.

It happens that our country was very well served when those much appreciated leadership skills were desperately needed after the terrible attacks that occurred on 9/11/2001.

It is important to remember, just because republicans as a whole did not back the hopeless defunding of Obamacare actions of Ted Cruz, that does not mean we are not conservative. We think the tea party is simply the latest group, similar to Liberals, who have trouble controlling their emotions. In my opinion, I think the reason the Tea Party developed and grew is because many conservatives became disgusted with politicians who were thought to be conservative in name only.

Someone actually coined the term RINO (Republican In Name Only), and it has stuck despite the obvious inconsistency. I can see that CINO (Conservative In Name Only) would just not have the same oomph! Unfortunately, the Tea Party and it’s latest defacto leaders, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, have taken positions that are unrealistic.

Stable, realistic strategies are the only hope
to begin to turn the tide.
This country did not become quasi-socialist overnight, it happened gradually over the last half century, and we can't undo all the bad policies immediately. So, what can we do? We can all learn to recognize real leaders, we can begin to appreciate men like Mitt Romney, Senate Minority Leader McConnell and our Republican leader, Speaker of the House John Boehner. Most importantly we can begin to vote for representatives that hold true conservative positions.

We must realize that stable, realistic strategies are the only hope to begin to turn the tide. Cruz, Lee and Rand are zealots. Sadly, zealots rarely make good leaders.

Mike Van Fossen  is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican.

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