Monday, May 11, 2015

It's not about you! - Comparing 2015 commencement speeches of Michelle Obama and Denzel Washington

It's not about You!

America, you are at a crossroads in this country. Do we go down the "Oh poor me" road or do we choose the road less traveled, the one with responsibilities and gratitude?

Michelle Obama gave the commencement speech Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Tuskegee University in Alabama. She focused on being the first African-American first lady of the United States and how she believes she was held to a different standard than others because of her race.

She spoke of the July 21, 2008 cover of The New Yorker Magazine, saying,

"Then there was the first time I was on a magazine cover. It was a cartoon drawing of me with a huge afro and a machine gun. Now, yeah, it was satire, but if I'm really being honest, it knocked me back a bit. It made me wonder, Just how are people seeing me?" 

She ended her speech with this call to action.

 "We can take on those deep-rooted problems, and together, together we can overcome anything!"

July 21, 2008 cover of The New Yorker Magazine

More info here on the first lady's speech,

Then there was Denzel Washington's commencement speech at Dillard University in New Orleans on the same day - May 9, 2015. When he took the podium, he imparted four goals for graduating seniors:

"Congratulations to all of you...
First: Put God first.
Second: Fail big ... a dream without goals is just a dream,
Third: You will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.
Four: Say thank-you in advance for what is already yours."

He concluded with,

"Don't inspire to make a living, inspire to make a difference."

For more info and great photos check these links:

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