Thursday, September 25, 2014



Change happens. When it comes to government, it mostly happens slowly, but it still happens.

We elected a man President of these United States that campaigned on fundamentally changing our country. He is doing his best to keep good on his campaign promise.

George Bush was elected with an agenda that was forever changed by the events of 9/11. Change came to him with a violent unimaginable attack.

Change is inevitable. It is happening before our eyes.It is messy and it is stressful. But it is not stoppable, so we better figure out how to handle it.

The Republican Party is struggling with the best way to deal with the changes. The stalwarts of the party have allowed a steady drip, drip, drip of compromise over a period of several years or at a minimum they lost some major direction in determining battles.

For whatever reason, the direction of the country gave rise to vocal, energetic grass root movements. 

There isn't a Republican on the planet that likes the change promised and in the process of being affected by Barack Obama.

What do we do about it?
Change comes. It comes slow and steady. Or it comes with an earth shattering bang.

As George Will recently said  "...improving 1 percent of the Senate is less important than taking 100 percent of Senate control from Harry Reid"

First we need to "WIN".  Then we can move in a direction to fix the country.


Cyndi Sieger Frump, Guest writer

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