Monday, July 21, 2014

Sticking with Republican?

Recently I had a meeting with an independent-moderate friend. We once served together on a board. Many hours were spent discussing strategic compromises, and the end result of those compromises. Politics and community were always topics of conversation for us.

She self identifies as a moderate, followed by the declaration, "I am not extreme in any direction."

She's a liberal leaning moderate, but she's one smart cookie.

As I did years ago, she thinks being independent is principled, so she chooses the candidate...not the party.

Like many folks she leans liberal on social issues and conservative on financial issues, but is certain that government plays a vital role in a successful community and she thinks health care is a right, so while she thinks Obamacare is not perfect, she believes we needed the Affordable Heath Care plan.

We have had lively conversations that frankly we both enjoy because we like each other, and we never take any of those words between us personal. We speak respectfully to each other, and I always learn something from her.

I am old enough to be her mother. She even reminds me of my children when she says, "Can I talk now?" She has helped me see how important it is that my approach on very important issues be tempered with kindness as well as truth. (Biblical principle)

During our meeting she said, "You know I have a lot of respect for you, but many times lately I have wondered how you can stick with those Republicans. They are so crazy to the right these days."

I said, "There are so many times I don't want to "STICK" with them."

I paused and said,  "You know, there are no perfect institutions. Family, Friendship, Career, Church, Community - none of them are perfect either."

She replied, "No, nothing is perfect and certainly the republicans and democrats are not."

I continued, "I have come to believe that success in my life depends on getting a few choices right - Politics, Religion, Spouse, Family and Friends. We all make our choices. We choose our TEAM in every area of life, and then we must stay engaged if we are to be successful."

I went on to say, "I am so thankful there were dedicated people working ahead of me to create a civilized society so I could live free in the best country God ever allowed to exist. I feel responsible to do my part in my little corner of the world for my children, grandchildren and community. There is no middle ground here. Success requires a TEAM. There are only two teams, Democrat and Republican. The only way to influence a team is to be an involved team member."

My friend represents the independents who decide elections in America.

For me the REAL Republicans, are not the big mouths on the radio, FOX NEWS, or social media.

The "Real" Republicans  are the dedicated local grassroots folks who work as a team, behind the scenes, doing whatever is needed to get the best Republican candidate elected. I have NO trouble sticking with them."

So yes, "I am sticking with Republican!"

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