Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The tea party needs to stop resting on its real or imagined 2010 laurels

by Ken Gardner

I'm getting tired of the tea party bragging about their influence in the 2010 elections.

Yes, in what was going to be a huge GOP year anyway, Republican candidates did extremely well in the US House races. But several weak tea party candidates arguably cost the GOP the Senate.

It is time the tea party stops reminding everyone of how well they supposedly did in 2010, that was 4 years ago.

What about the disappointing results in the 2012 election? There was a larger, more engaged electorate in a presidential election year. Where was the tea party influence? What have you done for America lately?

Politics is a lot like professional sports: you are only as good as your last game (or your most recent season).

The tea party needs to stop resting on its real or imagined 2010 election laurels and start working to get Republicans elected in 2014. There are only two teams, Democrat or Republican.

Team Republican could use some real help to win elections in 2014 and 2016.

Ken Gardner is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican.

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