Saturday, January 11, 2014

Chris Christie fires more people in 24 hours than Obama has in 5 years

Chris Christie 2011 Shankbone
Chris Christie at the 2011 Time 100 gala.
by Ken Gardner

Chris Christie fired Bridget Kelly after learning that she lied to him about her role in the New Jersey bridge story. He also removed Bill Stepien from his political positions at the state Republican Party and Republican Governors Association.

Obama promoted Susan Rice after she lied to the American public about the attack in Benghazi.

Indeed, more people have been fired over the NJ bridge story than over Benghazi, the IRS scandals, and the Obamacare rollout -- combined.

This is what a stark contrast in character and leadership looks like. Regardless of what you think about Christie's policies, he demonstrated how leaders build credibility with voters.

He came out so strongly and so quickly and then answered so many media questions that he had to be telling the truth -- otherwise, it will be ridiculously easy to prove any lies and destroy any future political career as a GOP politician (Democrats don't care so much about liars in office).

Moreover, Christie's personal apology to the mayor and people of Fort Lee should enhance his popularity as a person -- another essential ingredient of successful GOP politicians.

Ken Gardner is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican..

This inspired us here at Dyed in the Wool Republican to do a little research and here is what we found.

It is interesting to note that according to opinion writer for the Washington Post, Dana Milbank, Christie said the words I, I'm, I've,  Me, My and Myself 1,095 times in the 108 minute press conference.


That is 10.14 times per minute that Christie mentioned himself in some way. Is that good or bad? It is hard to say. Did he avoid personal responsibility? He fired the person responsible and repeatedly said he knew nothing about it. Maybe we should count how many times he said "apologize" or "embarrassed" or "humiliated". How about "them" and "they".

Milbank titles his article "New Jersey Narcissist" and of course presents Chris Christie in a bad light.

This thing is already being called "Bridge-gate" but it makes us think of the "Bridge-to-Nowhere" and is already being referred to as Bridge to Nowhere 2016. Google it.

Although he has a reputation as a micro-manager, Christie said he delegates “enormous authority” to his staff. So it is possible they did things without his knowledge. They pulled this prank thinking they were "getting back" at someone that did not support him. It is a strange form of loyalty. It is possible he didn't know.

As we've already noted, it will be pretty easy to prove any lies he may be telling and his presidential hopes would probably be over. Time will tell. Stay tuned.

If you missed it, here is the whole press conference. All 108 minutes!

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