Saturday, January 24, 2015

FreeDumb Works, Follow the money

Many people opposed Mitt Romney during the Presidential primaries of 2012, but none went as far as Freedomworks who actively waged a campaign against Romney's candidacy and tried to have him excluded from speaking at events.

In the general election, Romney had the backing of the American Conservative Union, Tea Party Express, and Tea Party Nation.  FreedomWorks however not only refused to back Romney, but they were very proud and loud  that they did not support him for president.

FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe was annoyed that his then Chairman, Dick Armey, was supporting former Governor Tommy Thompson as the Republican nominee for the United States Senate in Wisconsin. The Republicans were hoping to replace retiring Democrat Herb Kohlin in the general election and gain that Senate seat.  Thompson won the Republican nomination, but he was defeated by ultra-liberal Sen.Tammy Baldwin. She was the first woman elected to represent Wisconsin in the Senate and the first openly gay U.S. Senator in history. As of 2012, Baldwin's voting record makes her one of the most liberal members of Congress.

Matt Kibbe thought Tommy Thompson was too liberal to back, so thank you Free dumb works, Wisconsin now has a REAL liberal for US Senator.

Many people believe Freedom Works is a conservative group, but they are clearly a libertarian organization.  However, they always use the word conservative to distract folks from their true Libertarian goals.

In our daily lives, we judge people by their deeds, when someone's words doesn't match up with their deeds we usually deem them untrustworthy.  We may appreciate good intentions, but we expect results.  Without a good result, principled words become just empty meaningless words. Ask yourself what possible good could come from withholding support of the Republican nominee for President.
I say follow the money folks. Matt Kibbe is keeping it in the family, as his wife, Terry, is a paid fundraiser for Freedom Works.

We at Dyed in the Wool  really like the name "FreeDumb Works" and  hope it sticks.