Wednesday, December 4, 2013

14 Question Republican Litmus Test

I am a Republican.
Republican Litmus Test

You will never hear me use the word "Conservative" to describe myself. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I cringe at the sound of the word.

As a political scientist, I believe the word "Conservative" is both overused and misused based on the question - Who determines who is conservative enough? What test is there to determine one’s level of conservatism?

There are no hard standards, rules or measures to determine an individual’s level of conservatism. While many individuals are of the opinion that some party members are “too Conservative” or “not conservative enough”. That is quite simply just their opinion and is not a fact.

To further prove my point, I took several polls on the internet which supposedly determined political ideology. The first quiz was: .

Based on my responses, I was labeled a Staunch Conservative. According to the survey results Staunch Conservatives are defined as: Extremely critical of the federal government; In-favor an assertive foreign policy; Pro-business; against stricter environmental laws and regulations; strongly opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage; Convinced the 2010 health care law will be bad for the country; View immigrants as a threat to traditional American customs and values; Nearly half believe President Obama born outside the United States.

Who are Staunch Conservatives: 84% are Republicans; 72% agree with the Tea Party; More than nine-in-ten are non-Hispanic white; The oldest typology group (61% are age 50 and older); 56% are male; most are married and financially comfortable; 57% own guns; 57% attend church every week; 54% regularly watch Fox News; More watch Glenn Beck and listen to Rush Limbaugh than any other group.

Let me just say, I do not watch Glenn Beck or Limbaugh at all, I rarely watch Fox News, I personally don’t own a gun, I am not what I would call financially comfortable, I don’t agree with the Tea Party about anything, I could care less where Obama (or anyone else) was born, and I really don’t have a major issue with immigrants or immigration reform. Thus, the attempt to determine my level of conservatism is laughable. I am quite simply a Republican and that is a measurable fact.

If you are an Elected official the story is a little different. CPAC is about the only group that scientifically rates politicians based on their level of conservatism. They do this using a binary scoring method. I encourage you to go look at the scores of any elected official you are questioning. The level of conservatism is much easier to measure for a legislator that votes yes or no on legislation than a governor who sets policy and executes it. The Cato institute, a libertarian group, makes an attempt to measure governors based on their conservatism. As a side note, they gave Chris Christie the same grade as Nikki Haley, Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal .

The point is, make certain you know your facts before you call someone a name or accuse them of not being conservative enough to be a Republican.

A good way to determine if you or someone else is a Republican is to see if you or they can answer yes to the majority of the questions below:

1) Does your Voter Registration card identify you as a registered Republican?

2) Have you voted in every Republican primary since you became eligible to vote?

3) Have you always supported Republican candidates?

4) Have you given money to Republican Candidates?

5) Have you walked doors and made phone calls for Republican candidates?

6) Have you worked on a campaign for a Republican Candidate?

7) Do you know that real Republicans always capitalize the R in the word Republican and use lower case letters to write other party names?
8) Have you served the Republican party on the local, state or national level as an elected officer or committee member?

9) Do you believe in and follow what the party platform, state and national Party rules say...nothing more and nothing less?

10) Do you attend regular party meetings at the local, state and national level?

11) Do you regularly attend events at the local state and national level for Republicans?

12) Do you know what Ronald Regan’s 11th Commandment was and strive to keep it?

13) Are you a guest writer/ commentator for any political groups, media groups and blogs that identify you as a Republican?

14) Have you been elected as a Republican candidate and become a Republican elected official?

Do I think I am conservative? Yes, on some issues I am conservative and some maybe not. Just because I believe I am these things on various issues doesn't mean you, or anyone else, will agree with me on my position or it’s level of conservatism. Honestly, I can't prove I am a conservative and you can't prove I'm not. What I can prove is that I am a Republican because it is a measurable fact.

Therefore, when someone claims someone is not good enough to be a Republican they need to look at the measurable facts....not their opinions based on someone else’s opinions. The facts are there to measure if a person is a Republican, if you care enough to look for them it, is up to you. There are absolutely no facts to determine if someone is conservative enough because it is just an OPINION....not a FACT.

Supporting Republican candidates and elected officials is the right thing to do because anything else is supporting the democrats. True Republicans do not take part in the eating of our own. This is one of the behaviors that contributed to Mitt Romney being defeated in 2012. Media personalities like Rush, Beck, Levin, Palin and Hannity all contributed to the eating of our own mindset, and they can't deny what they did and are still doing. Once a commentator crosses that line, eats one of our own, they lose all credibility. These individuals are not Republicans, they are simply wealthy entertainers.

Article submitted by a Dyed in the Wool Republican reader.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

10 Things We Learned from the Book ‘Double Down - Game Change 2012’ by Mark Halperin, John Heilemann

Click Image to Buy Book from Amazon
A contributor of ours recently finished reading the 512 page book by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann called Double Down - Game Change 2012.

Although usually a bit cautious about the genre of this book, they felt the authors had earned credibility and that it was worth reading. Besides, we feel you should always know what the competition is doing.

The book's authors obviously lean left, but here are 10 things we learned (or were reminded of) from the book Double Down.

  1. The GOP did not get on the Romney bandwagon until very late in the game.
  2. As late as Tampa, there were people looking to Mitch Daniels or Chris Christie to become the candidate.
  3. The Romney campaign was really out performed on every level by the Obama campaign.
  4. The Romney campaign thought he (Romney) was going to win. The Obama campaign knew he (Obama) was gonna win.
  5. The right wing of the GOP, including the radio personalities were featured very little in the book.
  6. Obama is not a good debater and he worked very hard after his pitiful performance.
  7. Bill Clinton's convention speech was a game changer.
  8. Hurricane Sandy had more of an impact most people thought. Not because of the Chris Christie/Obama love-fest, but because Obama looked presidential and bipartisan and Romney could not do much.
  9. The reason Romney avoided Benghazi during the debate was because it was viewed as a lose/lose. He had jumped the gun on a statement early on and did not want to do that again.
  10. Ann Romney had a more difficult time that it appeared due to her health.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Take a Virtual White House Tour While Waiting for a Republican to Live There

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President Ronald Reagan painting found in the White House
After being closed for eight months, the White House recently began allowing tours again on a limited schedule.

I would prefer to wait until a Republican is in the White House so in the meantime I will look the place over on Google maps. Did you know Google used their street view technology to map out the inside of what I would imagine is the most famous house in the country?

Check it out. Make sure you click on both levels 1 and 2. It can be found right below the navigation controls at left in the embedded Google map. Also, click on the Reagan painting at right. It will carry you to where I found it in the White House. Then watch the video below to see how Google created this virtual tour.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Real Thanksgiving Story

We liked this video about "The Real Thanksgiving" and thought it was worth sharing. Watch it and leave any comments you have below. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

YOU need those “establishment Republicans" just as much as we needed YOU last election

A friend of ours recently got a letter asking them to "Donate to Dr. Benjamin Carson for President." Below you will see links to all 8 pages of the donation letter and a link to their response letter and why they refused to donate.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I received your request for a donation to Dr. Ben Carson. I admire Dr. Carson very much.

I actually thought about donating until I got to page 3, where I got to the part where you stated “they nominated Mitt Romney."

Mitt Romney was by far the most qualified candidate we have had in a very long time. if it were not for certain Tea Party factions who did everything they could to stop him, conservative talk show hosts bashing him, Ron Paul freaks. the liberal MSM, and the liberals stealing votes, perhaps the outcome would be different.

Your letters are going out to all kinds of people, not just Tea Party people. You really need to reread Ronald Reagan's speeches and not forget about the “big tent" and the "11th commandment."

Alienating an entire group of people, by calling us names and pointing fingers will not get people on board with you. Remember, you need those “establishment Republicans" just as much as we needed you last election. And, without us you also cannot win.

Good luck with your ventures.


Name Withheld

RINO Reasonable, Intelligent, Noble and Opinionated


Thoughts? Comments? Leave them below.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

State Republican Party GOP Web Links

Sure you could look-up each each state's republican party website individually in your favorite internet search engine but we thought it would be neat to put the links to each state GOP website in one place. Check them out! Click on each state name below and you will be directed to to their site. Leave comments below on which state you think has the best looking and most effective website.

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

GOP came that close to having a perfect election night (2013)

Chris Christie
by Ken Gardner

Wow, the GOP came that close to having a perfect election night.

Chris Christie won big in the New Jersey Governor's race!

 In Alabama, the reasonable GOP candidate Bradley Byrne, a former state senator, defeated the tea party-supported birther, Dean Young, a conservative real estate developer who likened himself to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. The Republicans won a super-majority of seats in the Virginia House of Representatives.

The one big downer?  McAuliffe defeating Cuccinelli in a race that turned out to be much closer than the polls predicted.

Bradley Byrne
The exit polls showed that voters blamed both parties roughly equally for the shutdown and that a majority (53-45) opposed Obamacare. But when the shutdown ended, these number were tilted much more in the Dems' favor. Had the election happened just a few days later, Cuccinelli just might have won.

Also, the Sarvis candidacy hurt Cuccinelli and may have even provided the margin of victory to McAuliffe. Yes, I know that more Sarvis voters claim that their second choice was McAuliffe. Sorry, I'm not buying it.

This data tells me only that they [Sarvis voters] hate the GOP more than they love liberty. If you are GENUINELY a supporter of liberty and limited government, your second choice is going to be the GOP candidate. But these Libertarians  spend most of the time duping people into believing that there is no difference
Dean Young
between Republicans and Democrats or even that the GOP is worse than the Democrats.

Trust me on this -- I have been arguing online with Libertarians since 1995, and I know how they really think.

Ken Gardner is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican..

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Federal Government should not be in our healthcare business or our retirement accounts

by Mike Van Fossen

Obama started out as President with a boatload of "fundamental changes" in mind, transformational changes!

He began at the top of the list with his number one desire, The Affordable Care Act.

We know that during those first two years the act that has come to be known as Obamacare was passed into law by ONLY Democrats, as they controlled both Houses and the White House.

Great start Democrats, well played!

The mantra became don't oppose President Obama because "He gets what he wants!" Really? What has he gotten since November 2010?

I think the opposition has done a remarkable job keeping President Obama constrained. We often forget the "REAL" things he and the Democrats want.

Let’s review.

Did Obama and the Democrats want a single payer healthcare system? Yes they did! The failed rollout of Obamacare brings us closer to single payer. This change in who pays for healthcare would be substantial, giving the government absolute control of 1/6th of the US economy.

Do they want to get their hands on the Trillions in 401K's and IRA's? Yes they do. These liberals want the government to require that ultimately all Americans buy government annuities instead of saving or investing on their own. The Government could then take these trillions of dollars and redistribute it through their new national retirement system.

Did Obama and the liberals want an "Urban Conservation Jobs Corps” that would rival the size and importance of the combined United States Military? Yes they did! President Obama laid out those plans in a speech including the plan to spend $1Billion on it, once Congress passed the bill.

Did Obama and the Democrats want Comprehensive Immigration Reform? Of course they did!
The Democrat Party is losing many regular Americans, certainly middle class voters, and that could quickly be off set by new Hispanic Citizens. In 2012 nearly 75% of all Hispanic votes went for Obama.

Do not think for a minute they don't have lots of plans, and they are incensed that time is slipping by with only Obamacare as an achievement. Immigration reform and the take over of the retirement accounts are just two of the biggies to come.

I think the plan to build the 100,000 plus Urban Conservation Corps has been withdrawn but hey, "IF" the Democrats could take the House of Representatives back in 2014, it too would be back in plans for those final two years.

The truth is our federal government should not be in our healthcare business, or our retirement accounts. But the only way to get the government out of these areas of our life is to elect Republican Senators. We must take control of the Senate in 2014. Then in 2016 we must elect a republican president that promises on day one, hour one to issue an executive order making Obamacare unenforceable.

Mike Van Fossen  is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Stable, realistic strategies are the only hope to begin to turn the tide in the USA

by Mike Van Fossen

I am a mainstream Republican.
Flag of the United States of America, backlit, windy day.

I believe that most of my views would surely be considered conservative. Most conservatives respect people who have become movers and shakers, doers, not just talkers. We know it takes more than talk and empty word to actually build the businesses and companies that employ us and our loved ones.

These same people frequently step up and take on the responsibilities of helping govern this wonderful country. The single biggest attribute I value in others is leadership skills and abilities. I have great respect for good leaders in either political party.

I know that Ronald Reagan was a great leader, I know that George Bush (Sr.) was a great leader as well. I think George W. Bush came into the office as a man who had earned the title of leader by being a successful Governor. He had already learned the value of working across the aisle with the political opposition to accomplish good things for all the people of Texas.

It happens that our country was very well served when those much appreciated leadership skills were desperately needed after the terrible attacks that occurred on 9/11/2001.

It is important to remember, just because republicans as a whole did not back the hopeless defunding of Obamacare actions of Ted Cruz, that does not mean we are not conservative. We think the tea party is simply the latest group, similar to Liberals, who have trouble controlling their emotions. In my opinion, I think the reason the Tea Party developed and grew is because many conservatives became disgusted with politicians who were thought to be conservative in name only.

Someone actually coined the term RINO (Republican In Name Only), and it has stuck despite the obvious inconsistency. I can see that CINO (Conservative In Name Only) would just not have the same oomph! Unfortunately, the Tea Party and it’s latest defacto leaders, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, have taken positions that are unrealistic.

Stable, realistic strategies are the only hope
to begin to turn the tide.
This country did not become quasi-socialist overnight, it happened gradually over the last half century, and we can't undo all the bad policies immediately. So, what can we do? We can all learn to recognize real leaders, we can begin to appreciate men like Mitt Romney, Senate Minority Leader McConnell and our Republican leader, Speaker of the House John Boehner. Most importantly we can begin to vote for representatives that hold true conservative positions.

We must realize that stable, realistic strategies are the only hope to begin to turn the tide. Cruz, Lee and Rand are zealots. Sadly, zealots rarely make good leaders.

Mike Van Fossen  is a contributing writer to Dyed in the Wool Republican.

Friday, October 25, 2013

We are Republican and we are NOT leaving this party

All around us folks are declaring they are Conservative, they are NOT Republican. We want to say to them GOOD! Take your "I know it all" attitude to the next political party and play your "all talk, all the time" game there.

We true republicans need all hands on deck, and we don't need one more naysayer in the house. We must have grassroots, boots on the ground workers, not TALKERS. It has been hard to endure the shear ignorance of statements like this one by a very smart republican senator:   
"That’s why it’s the cloture vote that matters. If 46 Republicans stick together on the cloture vote, Reid can’t fund Obamacare. In fact, we only need 41 Republicans. And so the vote that matters tomorrow is the cloture vote on the bill [vote to proceed to vote on the bill] and if Republicans stand together, if Republicans are united, we can prevent Harry Reid and Barack Obama from using this bill to fund Obamacare."
                        - Senator Ted Cruz
REALLY? ONLY NEEDED 41 VOTES! 46 Republican Senators are not 51 votes which is a simple majority vote in the Senate.

This contributor, a former democrat turned republican has decided all the GOP establishment types must go:
"John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Peter King and others of your ilk—our eyes are on YOU. Even if all of you are not up for reelection, you are the types of Establishment Republicans that true Conservatives can no longer tolerate. You have officially become the role models for those who we will never support again. Instead we will seek out patriots like Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Trey Gowdy and others to lead."
                                             - Ann-Marie Murrell
Really? Never support again? Patriots? True conservatives?

Words have meanings:

patriot - n.
1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests.  "Fellow countryman," which was the original meaning of patriot when it came into English in the late 1500s.
So, Senator John McCain, prisoner of war hero, does not love, support or defend his country, but Cruz, Lee, Gohmert, and Gowdy do? Seriously?

The American Conservative Union (ACU) ( is an American political organization advocating conservative policies. It was founded in December 1964 by author and commentator William F Buckley Jr, and is the oldest such conservative lobbying organization in the country. ACU is well known for its annual rating of politicians according to how they vote on key issues, providing a numerical indicator of how much the lawmakers agreed with conservative ideals. Let's look at the establishment ilk's numbers:

Mitch McConnell 100% Kentucky
Lindsey Graham    92% South Carolina
John McCain         92% Arizonia
John Cornyn          88% Texas
Peter King             60%   CD2 New York 
These guys seem to be pretty conservative. How many folks in your life rate at 88% consistently? It is good that Mr Buckley is not here to see where these true right wing folks have taken conservatism.

What does conservative mean?

Here is one definition:

conservative - n.
Not a clear cut philosophy but a set of beliefs which, in general, tend to support (1) free enterprise capitalism, (2) continuation of traditions, (3) minimal government intervention in economy, (4) strict law and order enforcement, and (5) gradual change as opposed to radical reform. 

Read more here:

It seems these so called "REAL" conservatives expect an elected republican to agree 100% of the time with their ever moving conservative bar or else be banished to the establishment land. Well, this is not the Republican Party I signed up for.

I will no longer appease the ignorant masses that shout Liberty, Liberty, Constitution.

Principled ideas abound but no real solution to our problems can be found. Words have meaning and simply calling someone a patriot or a traitor does not make it so.

I do not blindly defend anyone, but I will no longer stand by while folks call good people names and slander public servants, because some political PAC told them what to think and say. Bottom line, we are Republican and we are not leaving this Party.

Libertarians...if you want this party you will have to take it from our cold dead hands, because we are dyed in the wool Republican!